The Happy Sailor - Festival Program 2019

  • Sjóarinn síkáti
  • 20. maí 2019

The Happy Fisherman (Sjóarinn síkáti) is Grindavík’s local celebration for fishermen and their families and has become established as one of the most varied and enjoyable town festivals held during Iceland’s Seamen’s Day weekend. This year it covers the weekend 31 May – 2 June 2019. It is an opportunity for everyone to enjoy themselves and honour the Icelandic fisherman and his family. The festival has grown from year to year; the programme includes a range of activities with special emphasis on quality entertainment for the family.

Friday 31 May

16:00-18:00 Axel O and Keli Unplugged at Bryggjan
A varied programme with the vocalists and guitarists Axel Ómarsson and Hrafnkell Pálmarsson.

18:00 Street barbecues
Residents are urged to decorate their streets in the colours chosen for their districts and join in street barbecues.

20:00 Colour procession
The annual colour procession from the four town districts down to the festival area below the Kvikan Cultural Centre.

20:30-21:30 Singing by the Quayside
Singing on the festival stage; everyone joins in.

21:30-23:30 Quayside Ball
Páll Óskar in top form with glamour, glitter, dancers and full power. A real quayside ball for the whole family with music from Bandmenn.

23:00 Heiður at the Fish House
Music on into the night with the band Heiður. Admission free.

Saturday 1 June

10:00 The Happy Fisherman – football match
The annual match held by the Grindavík Youth Club for boys in 6th group.

12:00 Boat trips for the whole family
Location to be announced on the festival’s social media sites closer to the time. Please turn up in good time.

12:20-16:00 Bylgjulestin
The radio station Bylgjan will be broadcasting direct from Grindavík.

13:00-17:00 Programme on the festival stage
A varied programme of entertainment on the festival stage, in collaboration with Landsbankinn. 

  • 13:00 Sirkus Íslands - Circus
  • 13:30 Vikki króna
  • 14:00 Latibær – Solla stirða and Halla hrekkjusvín – Characters from ‘Lazy Town’
  • 14:30 Regína and Selma
  • 15:00 BMX brós
  • 15:30 Gunni and Felix
  • 16:00 Leikhópurinn Lotta – Theatre group
  • 16:30 Söngsveitin Víkingar - Choir

13:00-17:00 Amusement park in the festival area
Admission free to all attractions except the jump tower. In collaboration with the Grindavík Seamen’s and Marine Engineers’ Society and the Grindavík Labour Union.

13:00-17:00 Roll-over car
Always popular, the roll-over car will be there.

13:00-16:00 Face-painting by Kvikan
Free face-painting for children next to the Kvikan Cultural Centre.

14:00 Grindavík – Víkingur
Football: Grindavík plays Víkingur in the PepsiMax men’s division on the Mustad field.

14:00 ‘Sea Sausage’ in the harbour
A ‘sea sausage’ will be floating in the harbour for children and others who dare to play on it.

14:00 Motorbike ‘cavalcade’
A ‘cavalcade’ of motorbikes from the Northern Light Inn to Virkið, the clubhouse of the Grindjánar, where the bikes will be lined up and shown off.

15:00-17:00 Horse-rides
Horse-rides for the youngest children; horses will be led. Next to the Kvikan Cultural Centre.

15:00 – 18:00 Bakkalábandið at Bryggjan
Golden oldie seamen’s songs with the band Bakkalábandið 

16:00-17:00 Motorbike rides for kids with Grindjánar
Members of the motorbike club Grindjánar will give children rides on the passenger seat around the Fish Market.

22:00 GG Blues at Salthúsið
A blues-rock duet of the better class: Guðmundur Gunnlaugson on the drums, Guðmundur Jónsson on the guitar. Special offers at the bar.

22:00 Open stages at the Fish House
The open stages have proved their popularity. Guests are welcome to take part, singing, acting and dancing. Admission free.

23:00 A ball with Páll Óskar in the Gymnasium (Íþróttahúsið)
Iceland’s King of Pop, Páll Óskar, with his own band and dancers.

00:00 Hljómsveitin Swiss at Salthúsið
Tunes new and old, Icelandic and international with the band Swiss. Tickets ISK 2,500. Special offers at the bar until 1.00 a.m.

Sunday 2 June

8:00 Flag-raising
Flag-raising in honour of Seamen’s Day; residents are urged to raise flags by their homes.

12:30 Seamen’s Day Service in the Grindavík Church

  • Singing led by the church choir, directed by the organist, Erla Rut Káradóttir.
  • Service conducted by the Rev. Elínborg Gísladóttir.
  • Solo singing: Páll Jóhannesson 
  • Lessons read by the seamen couple Ásdís Hafliðadóttir and Einar Hannes Harðarson
  • Wreath carried by Andri Fannar Einarsson

A special ceremony will be held after the service to honour Iceland’s seamen, after which there will be a procession to the monument ‘Hope’ (Von), where a wreath will be laid commemorating those who have lost their lives at sea. The Workers’ Union brass band will take part in the ceremony.

13:00-16:00 Face-painting by Kvikan
Free face-painting for children next to the Kvikan Cultural Centre.

13:00-17:00 Amusement park in the festival area
Admission free to all attractions except the jump tower. In collaboration with the Grindavík Seamen’s and Marine Engineers’ Society and the Grindavík Labour Union.

13:00-17:00 Roll-over car
Always popular, the roll-over car will be there.

13:00-17:00 Live fish on the quayside.
Many of the main commercial species of fish that are caught in Icelandic waters will be on display in tanks of various sizes. There will be a hands-on tubs with starfish, crabs and sea-urchins for children to touch and examine. Some of the weird fish that turn up in fishing nets will also be on show.

14:00-17:00 Seamen’s Day coffee and cakes in Gjáin 
Seamen’s Day coffee and cakes in Gjáin Held by Hérastubbur. Entry: adults ISK 2,000, children aged 6-12 ISK 1,000 free for children under 6.

14:15-16:00 Festival programme in the Víðihlíð Nursing Home
Festival programme in the Víðihlíð Nursing Home With Sigríður Thorlacius. Refreshments after the singing.

14:00-14:20 Festival Ceremony by the Kvikan Cultural Centre
Formal opening of the Seamen’s Day festival, by Eliza Reid, Iceland’s First Lady.

14:20-15:00 Pillow fights - Hopping between rafts – Rowing in fish-tubs
For tough men and women. Prizes for the winners. Registration on site.

15:00-17:00 Entertainment on the festival stage
A varied programme of entertainment on the festival stage below the Kvikan Cultural Centre, presented in collaboration with Landsbankinn.

15:00 Grindavík Women’s Choir
15:30 Song City
16:00 Gunni and Felix
16:30 Lazy Town – Sports Elf, Siggi sæti and Solla stirða

15:30-16:30 Conjuring in the festival area
The conjurer Daníel Örn will be in the festival area, working his magic on passers-by.

20:00 Gala Dinner hosted by the Grindavík Seamen’s and Marine Engineers’
Society Venue: Sjómannastofan Vör. Master of ceremonies: Þórhallur Sigurðsson (Laddi). Singing by Sigríður Thorlacius. Catering in the hands of Jón and Bibbinn.

20:00 Guðjón Sveinsson’s band on the Quayside
Guðjón and his band play tunes by his main influences from the world of Rock.

All weekend

Candy-floss, balloons and various nice things to eat for sale in Ellubúð, where the Search and Rescue Team Þórkatla is based.

Waffles, coffee and cocoa for sale in the Kvikan Cultural Centre in aid of the women’s 3rd football group.

This programme is provisional: changes may be made. Check the latest version at We are also on Facebook and Instagram.

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